In 2012 the Women’s World Summit Foundation expanded the World Day for the Prevention of Child Abuse – November 19 into the 19 days campaign to run from November 1-19 each year. The goal of the campaign is to increase commitment, activities and education and to mobilize communities throughout the world around child abuse prevention. The 19 Days Campaign serves as a reminder to all of us that there is something each of us can do to make a difference in our community to prevent child abuse. In Nigeria, by the age of 18, 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be sexually molested, and more than 80% of the abuse is never reported.Prevention is key! It is the most effective way to protect children from abuse and contributes to creating a culture of non-violence.
This is the third year that the Women's World Summit Foundation in conjunction with the Woman Trafficking and Child Labour Eradication Foundation has participated in the 19 Days Campaign. This year the main focus of the 19 Days activities is educating primary school children about appropriate and inappropriate touches through story time activities.
A critical step in preventing child sexual abuse is to empower children to say “no” to unwanted touches and to teach them that they can tell or approach a trusted adult with questions or concerns without fear of getting “in trouble”.
WOTCLEF has commence his 19 days activism with Primary School children in JSS Gwarinpa Estate Abuja. Tomorrow Tuesday is slated for another school, Radio talk with Aso Radio then Rally will be the final stage.
For more information about these activities and/or to call fro inclusion of your school call WOTCLEF at 07061915128
From 1st to 19th November.
Stay tuned............
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